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İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can B1.1 Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları

İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can B1.1 Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 23 Cevabı

İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can B1.1 Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 23 Cevabı

2017 – 2018 Eğitim Öğretim dönemiyle beraber pek çok ders ve çalışma kitabı değişti. Değişen ders kitaplarından biri de “İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can B1.1 Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları” oldu. Kitabı incelediğimizde ise Devrim ÖZBEK, Hatice KUMRAL, Sevinç ÖRER tarafından 66 sayfa olarak kaleme alındığını görüyoruz. Kitapta görseller ön plana çıkarılmış ve görsel tasarım ise Beyza DİRİK, Zafer HAŞİMOĞLU tarafından yapılmış.

İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can B1.1 WorkBook Sayfa 23 Cevapları“nda önce sorular yazıldı daha sonra cevaplar verildi.


write TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false statements.
Me’decins San Frontie’res (MSF) or Doctors Without Borders is a secular, humanitarian aid, non – governmental organization. İn 1971, a small groups of French doctors created this organization. According to this organization, ali people have the right to have medical çare regardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliation.
The organization’s headquarters are in Geneva and Switzerland. MSF has sent trained doctors ali över the world to help people who have suffered from disease, war or disaster.
At the moment there are över 27000 trained medical staff involved in MSF projects and missions.j The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. Ali kinds of doctors can volunteer for MSF.^ Doctors with experience in tropical diseases are particularly useful because most of MSF’s work is in Africa and there are tropical diseases like malaria in Africa. When MSF accepts a doctor for a mission, they have to go for at least six months. Why would a doctor leave a comfortable life and a good salary to join MSF? Because the experience they gain will be a great help in their career.
Dianne was one of the doctors of MSF. She had a good career and a comfortable life but she began to find her job boring. She says “I was treating patients with routine medical problems such as^ colds, sore throats and so on and I felt a need to do something more important.” So she decided to work for Doctors Without Borders.
She went to Angola and stayed ten months there. According to Dianne, working there was a very i meaningful experience.
1. Spanish doctors created MSF or Doctors Without Borders.
2. MSF’s mission is to help the patients from ali över the world.
3. Dianne was a successful actress.
4. Before coming to Angola, she was treating patients with routine medical problems.

İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can B1.1 Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 23 Cevabı

2025 Ders Kitabı Cevapları

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