İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can A2.2 Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 17 Cevabı

İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can A2.2 Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 17 Cevabı
2017 – 2018 Eğitim Öğretim dönemiyle beraber pek çok ders ve çalışma kitabı değişti. Değişen ders kitaplarından biri de “İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can A2.2 Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları” oldu. Kitabı incelediğimizde ise Funda BAYDAR ERTOPCU, Hatice İNCİ, Sevinç ÖZBIÇAKCI SAMUR tarafından 64 sayfa olarak kaleme alındığını görüyoruz. Kitapta görseller ön plana çıkarılmış ve görsel tasarım ise Bengü BAHAR ÜZLİKCAN, Elvan ÇELİKTUĞ tarafından yapılmış.
“İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can A2.2 WorkBook Sayfa 17 Cevapları“nda önce sorular yazıldı daha sonra cevaplar verildi.
E. Look at the pictures and ansvver the questions about Bili.
e.g. A: Did Bili go to Rome last year?
B: No, he didn’t go to Rome last year. He went to Paris.
1. A: Did he eat meat last night?
2. A: Did he drink cola at lunchtime?
3. A: Did he drive to work yesterday?
4. A: Did he buy chocolate for his wife?
5. A: Did he go home after work yesterday evening?
6. A: Did he play football with his friends last weekend?
Choose the correct words.
Amy : How do you feel today?
Belinda: I am stili tiring/tired. I couldn’t sleep well last night.
David : l’m very pleased / pleasing today. I finished my project two hours ago.
Tim : Oh, l’m very glad to hear that.
Kim : I recommend you to watch this film. The story is really shocked / shocking . Cathy : I don’t like this kind of stories. I find them bored / boring.
Mary : Would you like to come to the painting exhibition with me on Saturday?
Betty : Thank you but I am not interested / interesting in art.
Jack : I felt really diasappointed/disappointing when I learnt that I failed.
Sheila : Poor you.
Samuel: How was the performance yesterday?
Angela : We enjoyed it very much because the ballet dancers were amazed/amazing.
G. What did you do last weekend? Write true sentences about yourself. Use the prompts.
1. meet friends
2. vısıt grandparents | met my friends |ast weekend. /1 didn’t meet my friends last weekend.
3. go to the cınema wıth friends
4. play sports
5. go to bed late
6. study for a test
7. read a book
8. watch TV
İngilizce Meb Yayınları Yes You Can A2.2 Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 17 Cevabı