11. Sınıf İngilizce Spice Up Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 12

“11. Sınıf İngilizce Spice Up Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 12 Meb Yayınları” ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.
11. Sınıf İngilizce Spice Up Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 12
1. Read the dialogues below and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given.
1. Rob: I’m not sure what I _ (study) at university. Now, I’m trying to concentrate on my exams. How about you, Abbie?
Abbie: I don’t know yet. I have lots of things on my mind, though. Next week, I _ (attend) a workshop on ‘‘Future of Skills and Jobs’’. Why don’t you come with me?
2. Lara: Which jobs _ (be) in demand in the next ten years?
Mike: Well, I think jobs like UX designers and AI specialists are new potential jobs. I hope we _ (pursue) a career in something we find interesting.
3. Jim: Do you think clothing _ (give) people superhuman skills in the future?
May: Why not? Artificial intelligence is totally changing everything. I’m sure we _(see) delivery drones up in the air very soon.
4. Jason: Next week, I _ (give) a presentation on disappearing jobs in class.
Tilda: Hmm, good topic! Tell me what jobs are not likely to disappear.
Jason: Well, healthcare support-related jobs and food preparation-related jobs _ (not/disappear) as they cannot easily be automated.
Tilda: Great! I’m on the right path. I want to become a chef instructor. I have my plans on my mind. I _ (be) a Michelin chef and teach in a culinary institute in Rome.
5. Sam: Millions of people worldwide _(switch) occupations due to automation in the next five years.
Joe: I agree with you, but automation _(have) no efect on hands-on occupations like construction workers and plumbers.
6. Ann: Which industries will never die out?
Levi: I think education, wedding and service industries _ (be) around forever.
Ann: You’re totally right. Positions which require emotional intelligence and creativity _ (stick around) for the decades to come.
2. Complete the speech bubble with the correct forms of the given verbs. One is extra.
Right now, I’m a senior at Edmonton High School and I (1)_to plan my career path. I really need to choose which university I (2)_. It’s quite exciting and overwhelming. Next week, I (3)_ some campuses with my friends. By the way, there is an amazing career counselling website, called Career Busters. I think it (4)_ in my career planning. I’m sure I (5)_a career that’s just right for me.
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