9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 64 Cevabı

“9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 64 Cevapları” ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.
9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 64 Cevabı
1 Tick (✓) the correct options for you.
1. I tweet important events.
2. I snap my pictures using Snapchat.
3. I use Instagram for my cool shots.
4. I join in groups on Facebook.
5. I challenge my friends using musical.ly.
6. I check my WhatsApp in every five minutes.
7. I watch the latest video clips on YouTube.
8. I send text messages on my friends’ birthdays.
Work in pairs. Why do you use social media? Share your opinions.
• to stay in touch with friends
• to stay up-to-date
• to fill up spare time
• to search for information
• to share opinions
• to share photos or videos
• to contact with your favourite celebrity
• to meet new people
Read the fan messages on Brad Fox’s Instagram account. Find the sentences and choose the correct options. 1. You’re a real legend.
a) Everybody admires you because of your ability.
b) Everybody admires you because of your inability.
2. You’re an awesome kind of guy.
a) People respect you.
b) People dislike you.
3. I’m dreaming of listening to you alive.
a) I hope to talk to you face to face.
b) I hope to watch you on the stage.
4. I hope to meet you before I die.
a) I dream of speaking with you while I breathe.
b) I dream of taking a photo of you before I die.
5. Your voice heals me.
a) Your voice makes me feel awful.
b) Your voice makes me feel good.
6. Your music moves me.
a) Your music makes me nervous.
b) Your music touches my heart.
- Cevap:
“9. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Meb Yayınları Sayfa 64” ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.