Kitap Cevapları TIKLA
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9. Sınıf İngilizce Hazırlık Çalışma Kitabı

9. Sınıf İngilizce Hazırlık Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 62

9. Sınıf İngilizce Hazırlık Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 62 Cevapları Meb Yayınları‘na ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.

9. Sınıf İngilizce Hazırlık Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 62

Match the beginnings of sentences to the endings.

n spite of being bullies in their childhood, a
1 Most cyberbullies say that they do it for fun
2 Even though they think bullying is a big problem at school,
3 Despite happening in the cyber world,
4 Bystanders claim they keep safe by not saying anything
5 In spite of having fond and understanding parents,
6 Although most parents are aware that they should create a safe online environment for their children,
a- most people lead non-violent lives when they grow up.
b but they help bullies to continue their actions.
c few of them can actually do it.
d many children find it difficult to confide in them.
e while the victims of theirs suffer severe emotional problems.
f many students believe that there is nothing they can do.
g it affects students’ school lives directly.

Rewrite the sentences again using the prompts given next to the sentences.

They never help the poor, even though they are very wealthy. (Despite)
1 In spite of her disability, she was able to get her best rank in the Olympic Games in Canada. (Although)
2 The students didn’t have much time. They managed to visit lots of cultural sites, though. (However)
3 You know, I suffered depression, but I didn’t give up trying. (In spite of)
4 Hakan went to see the latest film, although he had seen it before. (Even though)
5 Beşiktaş won the match in the end whereas they were losing at half-time. (Despite)

Read the article and fill the gaps with four sentences which have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A-D).
A However, it makes situation worse
B There are many different types of it
C The kids at school dislike students who tell teacher things about other students
D Also, kids being verbally bullied can easily lose their self-confidence and enthusiasm

Today bullying is a big issue in schools. Many students are victims of being treated badly or they are exposed to nasty actions by their peers.
(1). This abuse may be in the form of ignoring someone, showing arrogance, using words unkindly and even using violence against someone. Another type of it is cyberbullying, which has become very common nowadays. School life is critical for young people when they are developing their mental, social and emotional skills which shape their personality

  • Cevap:

9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Hazırlık Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 62 Cevabı ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.

2025 Ders Kitabı Cevapları

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