8. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 76 Cevabı

8. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 76 Cevabı
Sayfa 76
1.What do the words below mean? Use your dictionary and write their definitions.
discover verb [T]
discoverer noun [C]
discovery noun [C]
invent verb [T]
inventor noun [C]
invention noun [C]
2.Write two discoverers and their discoveries; and two inventors and their inventions in the boxes. Follow the examples.
Discoverer Jim Watson
Discovery the structure of DN
İnventor Stephanie Kwolek
İnvention Kevlar®
3.Inform the class about your work. Follow the example.
Example: James Watson discovered the structure of DNA in 1953. He took the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery. Stephanie Kwolek invented the Kevlar in 1971. Kevlar® is a kind of synthetic material, and it is five times as strong as steel.