8. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 16 Cevabı

8. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 16 Cevabı
1.Scan the emails below and write the names of the events in the photos.
1.Hi. Mardin Ptease come, to my. tea party! İta on Saturday 12* December. İt starts at 4 p.m. İm having the party at home you know the adress. Can you invite Jack. please? I don t have his phone number or his email adress .I hope you can come. See you soon . Liz
2.Dean sonya Hilary and 1 are going to go for a walk on wednesday. We are going to walk to green park and then we are going to have a pincit there we are to meet at about 10 a.m. at my house. would you like to come with us? Can you, bring something ro eat? 1 hope to see you, theree. Love Darren
3.SomThe scholl tennis club is organizing a tennis. competition on friday. aftennoon. İt start at 3 pm. İt’ s to be in the city sports center. Why don’t we join ? please .bring your rackets. Hope you can come cheress Mary
2.Read the emails and answer the questions.
1.Who are organizing the events?
2.When are they? 3. Where are they?
3.Put the information below in the order (1-4) that appears in the invitations.
the date the request the event the place