7. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 4. Ünite Wild Animals Cevapları

7. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 4. Ünite Wild Animals Cevapları
7. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 4. Ünite Wild Animals Sayfa 25, 26, 27, 28 Etkinlik Soruları ve Cevapları
Look at the pictures. Write the names of the animals and put a tick.
- are mammals
- lay eggs 1. Resim
- have got fur / hair
- have got skin / scales
- have got /feathers
- are reptiles
- are amphibians
- are domesticated
Answer these questions to write about a lion.
How much does a lion weigh?
- It weighs about 250 kg.
What is its habitat?
What does it eat?
- It eats the other animals.
Is it a mammal or does it lay eggs?
- It is a mammal.
What sounds does it make?
- It roars.
Is it endangered?
- Yes, it is.
Is it a domesticated animal?
- No, it isn’t.
Choose an animal and write questions about it.
- Cevap
We should drive carefully.
We shouldn’t kill forest animals.
We shouldn’t snakes.
We shouldn’t save/plant trees.
We shouldn’t protect the endangered species.
Look at these notices and write what we should/shouldn’t do.
- Cevap
Imagine you are a zoo keeper. You taka cara of the tigers. Answer these questions.
- When did you start this job? 5 years ago.
- Why did you choose this job? Because I like animals.
- How often do you feed the tigers? Twice a day.
- How much meat did they eat at their last meal? 2 kilos of meat.
- How often do you clean their cages? Once a week.
- Did they attack you? No, they didn’t.
- Do they like you? Yes, they do.
Can you find out who I am?
I have four legs. I am a pet. I don’t like cats. I bark.
- Dog
I eat vegetables. I can run fast. I can be a pet. I have long ears.
- rabbit
I hiss. I can be poisonous. I have a forked tongue. I am long.
- snake
I am a pet. I like mice. I have nine lives. I purr and meow.
- cat
I eat other animals. I have a big mouth. I am green. I live in the water.
- crocodile
I am brown. I have a mane. I like to eat zebras. I roar.
- lion