7. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 3. Ünite Sports Cevapları

7. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 3. Ünite Sports Cevapları
7. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 3. Ünite Sports Sayfa 20, 21, 22, 23 Etkinlik Soruları ve Cevapları
Read the words and make sentences.
The Daily Routine of Roger Federer, a talented Svviss tennis player.
1. Federer / always / get up / at half past six
- Cevap Federer always gets up at half past six
2. He / sometimes / go / for three to six miles run
- Cevap He some times goes for there to six miles run.
3. He / always / drink / lots of water
- Cevap He always drinks lats of water.
4. For breakfast, he / usually / have / cornflakes and bananas
- Cevap For breakfast he usually has corn flakes and baranas.
5. He / exercise / in the tennis club with his coach from 9 to half past 11/ every day
- Cevap He exercises in the tennis club with his coach from go to half pant 11 everday.
6. He / never / smoke / cigarettes
- Cevap He never smokes cigarettes.
7. He / go / for a walk with his wife and two daughters / twice a week
- Cevap He goes for a walk with his wite and two daufthes twice a walk.
8. He / usually / eat / grilled meat or chicken, some pasta or rice and a lot of fruit
- Cevap He usually eats grilled meat or chiekes some pasta or rice and a lost of trust.
What games do you play wlth these balls? Write.
- Cevap voleyball, tennis, basketball, baseball, football.
Answer these questions.
Which team sport do you like / play?
- Cevap I like football.
Where do you usually train/play?
- Cevap I usually play at court.
How many times a week do you practise them?
- Cevap I practise two times a week.
Read the sentences. Fiil in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in parentheses.
- The marathon runners are running (run) that race right now.
- When the weather is good, I usually sail (sail) on my sailboat.
- The basketball player is bouncing (bounce) the bali and running at the same time.
- A tennis player serves (serve) the bali to start the game.
- Sometimes children wrestles (wrestle) with each other.
- Wow! That diver is driving (dive) from a 32-foot platform.
- Look! Those girls doing (do) yoga.
- I never played (play) football. I hate it.
Why do you or people do sports? Write your explanations and reasons.
- Cevap
I play basketball twice a week because I like playing it. İt keeps me fit and healthy, too.
l am so happy when l shoot a basketball. I always eat healthy food because want to be strong to be a good başketball player.
Do you like watching a sports event on TV? When did you last watch it? What was the event? Why did you like watching it? Write.
- Cevap I like watching football matches on TV. I last watched it two days ago. I liked it very much because it was really very exciting.
“What are they doing?” or “What did they do?” ? Write
- The are playing volleyball (play volleyball)
- They are swimming. (swim)
- They are cycling. (cycle)
- He is scority f gool. ( he – score a gol)
- He is shooting a basketball ( he – shoot a basketball)