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6. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Test

6. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 6. Ünite Cevapları

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6. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 6. Ünite Cevapları

6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 184 Cevapları

1. Ann is playing a game. She should choose the correct moves and find Jane’s occupation. Jane is a—.

A) hairdresser
B) waitress
C) tailor
D) cook

  • Cevap: B

2. Tom :—?
Linda : She is a hairdresser.
Which of the foMowing does NOT complete the conversation?

A) What does your sister do
B) What is your mother’s job
C) What is Linda’s occupation
D) What does she do after school

  • Cevap: D

6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 185 Cevapları

Jane : What is your mother’s job?
Lucia : She is a doctor.
Jane : So, she—.
Lucia : Yes, she does.
Which of the foNowing completes the conversation?

A) manages a school
B) designs buildings
C) teaches English
D) treats people

  • Cevap: D

4. Paul is playing a game with his friend about occupations. He gives some clues about occupations. He draws some boxes for the word and asks his friend to guess it. Here are the clues:
• He/she helps ill people.
• He/she treats tooth diseases.
Which of the following is Paul asking his friend?

A) doctor
B) nurse
C) dentist
D) manager

  • Cevap: C

5. Stuart : I work at a restaurant. I take orders, serve food and drinks. Which of the following shows Stuart’s occupation?

  • Cevap: B

6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 186 Cevapları

6. 6th grade students are playing a game called “guess my father’s job”. They are giving some information about their father’s job. The other students are trying to find it. Which of the foNowing is NOT correct according to the information above?

A) Arthur’s father is an architect.
B) Bruce’s father is an engineer.
C) Sandra’s father is a doctor.
D) Clara’s father is a vet.

  • Cevap: C

I can design everything With a piece of fabric.
I enjoy cutting and sewing.
Which of the foMowing is related to the poem above?

  • Cevap: B

6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 187 Cevapları

8. Jennifer doesn’t know the lyrics of the song. Help her to find them. Which of the foNowing does NOT complete the song?

A) sew dresses and clothes
B) repair cars and machines
C) make buildings and houses
D) help the doctors and patients

  • Cevap: C

9. My best friend, Nick, enjoys cars. He wants to learn repairing them in the future. I think a profession about repairing cars is just for him. According to John, Nick should be a/ an—.

A) driver
B) scientist
C) engineer
D) mechanic

  • Cevap: D

6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 188 Cevapları

10. Hello! I am Eva. I was born in 2007 in Berlin. This is my family. My dad was born in 1968. He is a dentist, so he can pull out teeth. My mum is a hairdresser and cuts people’s hair. She was born in 1970. My sister, Susan, was born in 1995. She is an architect and draws the plans of the buildings. Which of the foNowing is CORRECT according to the text?

A) Eva’s sister is younger than her.
B) Eva’s mother is older than her father.
C) Eva tells all her family members’ birth dates.
D) There are five family members in Eva’s family.

  • Cevap: C

11. Which of the foNowing does NOT have an answer in the text?

A) When was Eva born?
B) What can her sister do?
C) What is her mother’s job?
D) Where was her father born?

  • Cevap: D

12. David is a mechanic in Brazil. He works five days a week and doesn’t work at weekends. He can speak English and German. He was in Antalya, Turkey for his holiday last July. He learned diving there and enjoyed it a lot. He met new friends from England and France. They went hiking together and stayed in a tent. He thinks it was amazing. Which of the following does NOT have an answer in the text?

A) Where did he go last summer?
B) Who did David go on holiday with?
C) What does David do?
D) How was his holiday?

  • Cevap: B

13. According to the text, David—.

A) doesn’t go to work on Fridays
B) tried only one activity in Antalya
C) didn’t go walking in nature on his holiday
D) spent time with people from different countries

  • Cevap: D

6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 189 Cevapları

14. Which of the foMowing does NOT have an answer in the chart?

A) When did Donald start working?
B) Where did Jack defend people?
C) Where did Dorothy work?
D) When did Eric retire?

  • Cevap: D

15. According to the chart,—.

A) Donald was a vet in 1969 on a farm
B) Jack was a lawyer before 1984
C) Eric worked as a driver in 2012
D) Dorothy served meals in 1970

  • Cevap: C

16. Which of the foNowing completes the conversation?

A) In 2010
B) Last year
C) Yesterday
D) For four months

  • Cevap: A

17. Sally : I love taking care of animals. I can make operations to them.
Dave : I draw plans of buildings. I have new projects about a house plan.
Lauren : I work at a restaurant. I can prepare delicious meals.
Jessica : I make new dresses for people.
Which of the following is NOT correct according to the conversation?

A) Sally is a vet.
B) Jessica is a tailor.
C) Dave is an architect.
D) Lauren is a waitress.

  • Cevap: D

6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 190 Cevapları

Teacher : Where does your mother work?
Student : She works at hospital.
Teacher : Is she a—?
Student : Yes, she is.
Which of the foNowing does NOT complete the conversation?

A) dentist
B) doctor
C) nurse
D) tailor

  • Cevap: D

19. Hello! I’m Casey. I want to talk about my father. He was born in 1973. He started to work as a waiter when he was 17. He worked at a restaurant for a long time. He served food and drinks. Then, he worked in the kitchens of the restaurants but now he isn’t working. Which of the following does NOT have an answer in the text?

A) When was her father born?
B) Where does he work now?
C) Where did he serve food and drink?
D) When did he become a waiter?

  • Cevap: B

20. Which of the following does NOT complete the speech bubbles above?

A) doctor
B) nurse
C) farmer
D) waiter

  • Cevap: D

6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 191 Cevapları

21. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the results?

A) Building roads are less popular than fixing cars.
B) More students prefer fixing cars than teaching.
C) Most of the students want to treat sick people.
D) Defending people is the most popular one.

  • Cevap: C

6. Sınıf İngilizce Meb Yayınları Beceri Temelli Testler 6. Ünite Cevapları ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.

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