6. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 5. Ünite Cevapları

“6. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 5. Ünite Cevapları” ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.
6. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 5. Ünite Cevapları
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 258 Cevapları
1. In the poster, there is NO information about the—.
A) date
B) place
C) kinds of books
D) opening and closing time
- Cevap: C
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 259 Cevapları
2. Which of the foMowing is CORRECT according to the poster?
A) The tours start early in the evening.
B) They offer food and drink for a little money.
C) Balloon tours are available only at weekends.
D) You can see wonderful places from the balloon.
- Cevap: D
3. Which of the foNowing does NOT have an answer in the poster?
A) When is the last tour?
B) How much is the tour?
C) How long is the tour?
D) Where is the tour?
- Cevap: A
4. Which of the following does NOT complete the conversation?
A) agree with you
B) don’t think so
C) like them
D) disagree
- Cevap: A
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 260 Cevapları
5. Which of the following is Lisa’s favourite?
- Cevap: C
6. There is a carnival in our city. It is in the Central Square between 19 October and 27 October. At the carnival, there are a lot of fun rides such as ghost trains, bumper cars, carousels and Ferris wheels. Each ride is $5. In the text, there is NO information about the—.
A) activities you can do there
B) date of the carnival
C) food and drink
D) cost of the tickets
- Cevap: C
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 261 Cevapları
7. Which of the foNowing is NOT correct?
A) There are different rides at the carnival.
B) You can ride ghost train at the carnival
C) People must buy a ticket for riding.
D) The carnival is open for a week.
- Cevap: B
8. There is NO information about the—.
A) food and drinks at the carnival
B) opening and closing time
C) place of the carnival
D) date of the carnival
- Cevap: A
Son : Mum, can you take me to the funfair at the city centre? I am so excited about new train rides.
Mother : They are dangerous for the kids under 15, so—.
Son : OK, then we can ride bumper cars together.
Which of the following completes the conversation?
A) have a nice ride
B) that’s not a good idea
C) you can go there alone
D) I don’t like bumper cars
- Cevap: B
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 262 Cevapları
10. Who expresses his/her own opinion?
A) Rose
B) Ethan
C) Harry
D) Emma
- Cevap: C
11. According to the text, Gina—.
A) is bored at funfairs
B) hates frightening toys
C) goes to funfairs alone
D) enjoys riding toys at the fair
- Cevap: D
I. No, I don’t like fairs. I think they are dull.
II. What do you want to do then?
III. Do you want to go to the fair?
IV. I want to watch TV.
Which of the following is the correct order for the sentences above?
- Cevap: B
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 263 Cevapları
13. Which of the foMowing is CORRECT according to the information above?
A) Pamela and Barry like ghost train.
B) Willie doesn’t like roller coasters.
C) Amelia and Carol don’t like carousels.
D) Karen and David like clowns.
- Cevap: C
14. Which of the foMowing is the Class 6B’s favourite activity at the fair?
- Cevap: B
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 264 Cevapları
15. I think fair is amazing. I love exciting and crazy games. I like bumper cars and roller coaster but I think carousel and Ferris wheel are boring. Which of the foNowing is NOT correct according to the text?
A) She does not like Ferris wheel.
B) Bumper cars are boring for her.
C) Roller coaster is an enjoyable ride.
D) She prefers roller coaster to carousel.
- Cevap: B
16. There is NO information on the ticket about the—.
A) shows and rides
B) place of the circus
C) food at the circus
D) time and date of the activity
- Cevap: C
Hello, Gary. Are we going to funfair this afternoon?
Hi, Jimmy. Of course!
Let’s start with Ferris wheel there because it is very exciting. Ooh no! It is dull. I think roller coaster is more fantastic. Roller coaster? It is frightening. I want to ride bumper cars. OK, I agree. They are more enjoyable.
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the conversation?
A) They both enjoy roller coaster.
C) They want to start with roller coaster.
B) Gary thinks Ferris wheel is boring.
D) Jimmy thinks roller coaster is thrilling.
- Cevap: B
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 265 Cevapları
18. According to the poster,—.
A) you can’t eat anything at the fair
B) the fair is at the weekend
C) it isn’t in the city centre
D) it starts in the evening
- Cevap: B
Jack : I rode ghost train. It was exciting. You should ride it, too. Mary : No, thanks.
Jack : Why not?
Mary : Because it is—.
Which of the foMowing completes the conversation?
A) fun
B) fantastic
C) amazing
D) frightening
- Cevap: D
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 266 Cevapları
20. I went to a funfair last weekend.
The weather was rainy but I felt happy.
I think the roller coaster was exciting but bumper cars were boring. I didn’t like Ferris wheel. The ghost train was thrilling. I screamed and shouted. My weekend was great.
Which of the following is NOT correct according to the text?
A) Bumper cars were dull for him.
B) He didn’t like Ferris wheel.
C) The weather wasn’t sunny.
D) The ghost train was boring.
- Cevap: D
21. You see Gina’s feelings and ideas about the rides at the fair below. According to the information above, Gina—.
A) thinks carousel is dull
B) thinks Ferris wheel is crazy
C) feels happy on Ferris wheel
D) feels unhappy on bumper cars
- Cevap: A
6. Sınıf İngilizce Meb Yayınları Beceri Temelli Testler 5. Ünite Cevapları ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.