6. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 3. Ünite Cevapları

“6. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 3. Ünite Cevapları” ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.
6. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 3. Ünite Cevapları
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 236 Cevapları
1. Martin prepared a poster to present in the class. He didn’t write the adjectives on the poster and his friends found them. Which of the foMowing adjective did NOT they use?
A) Longer
B) Faster
C) Bigger
D) Noisier
- Cevap: A
2. My brother is a funny boy. He always acts out and we find what he does. Now he is moving his mouth. Which of the following shows what he is describing?
- Cevap: D
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 237 Cevapları
3. You see some information about the temperature and population of three cities in Turkey. Which of the foNowing is CORRECT according to the information above?
A) İstanbul is hotter than Ankara and Kars in summer.
B) Istanbul is less crowded than Ankara and Kars.
C) Kars isn’t colder than Ankara in winter.
D) Ankara is more crowded than Istanbul.
- Cevap: A
4. Which of the foMowing does NOT have an answer in the text?
A) Why does Alex feel good in the countryside?
B) What does Alex do on the farm?
C) When does Maria get home?
D) How does Maria go to work?
- Cevap: C
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 238 Cevapları
5. Which of the following completes the conversation in the CORRECT order?
A) Henry, William, Gina
B) Gina, Henry, William
C) William, Henry, Gina
D) Henry, Gina, William
- Cevap: A
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 239 Cevapları
6. Which of the foMowing is CORRECT according to the information above?
A) The air is fresher in the city.
B) The city life is more exciting.
C) There is less noise in the city.
D) In the city, there is less traffic.
- Cevap: B
7. The teacher is—.
A) comparing the people in the countryside and the city
B) explaining the good and the bad sides of city life
C) talking about people’s life in the countryside
D) trying to find solution for air pollution
- Cevap: B
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 240 Cevapları
8. Wendy and Wendy and her friends Susan, Maria and Jill are at the shopping center now. They want to buy clothes for themselves. Maria has 20$, Susan has 30$ and Jill has 25$. Who CANNOT buy one of the dresses above?
A) Jill
B) Susan
C) Susan and Jill
D) Wendy and Maria
- Cevap: D
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 241 Cevapları
9. Mr. Gatsby is a manager and he is always busy. So, he is tired and he wants to have a holiday soon. He prefers somewhere quiet, relaxing and green with a lot of trees. He is looking at the poster below now. Where should he go?
A) London
B) Tokyo
C) Mardin
D) Fethiye
- Cevap: D
10. Which of the foMowing completes the conversation above?
A) relaxing, quiet, interesting
B) noisy, peaceful, green
C) quiet, crowded, busy
D) calm, busy, quiet
- Cevap: B
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 242 Cevapları
11. Jackson likes the town he lives because—.
A) there are a lot of people
B) the city isn’t near the town
C) it’s very quiet and relaxing
D) he loves animals so much
- Cevap: C
12. Our teacher is giving information about İstanbul and Antalya now. The teacher is NOT talking about the—of the cities.
A) weather
B) number of cars
C) social activities
D) places to buy something
- Cevap: A
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 243 Cevapları
13. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the chart?
A) Lily is older than Nicole.
B) Nicole is heavier than Lily.
C) Lily is shorter than Nicole.
D) Nicole is younger than Lily.
- Cevap: B
14. Which of the foNowing is CORRECT according to the picture above?
A) Mark is feeding the dog.
B) They are having a picnic.
C) Arthur is playing the guitar.
D) They are playing snowball.
- Cevap: B
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 244 Cevapları
15. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the picture above?
A) Sue is taller than Gloria.
B) Joey is fatter than Scott.
C) Sue is shorter than Gloria.
D) Scott is slimmer than Joey.
- Cevap: C
16. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the order of the pictures above?
A) skyscraper – kiosk – traffic jam
B) skyscraper – traffic jam – kiosk
C) kiosk – skyscraper – traffic jam
D) kiosk – traffic jam – skyscraper
- Cevap: D
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 245 Cevapları
17. Which of the following is NOT correct according to the pictures above.
A) Martin is shorter than Tom.
B) Tom is younger than Martin.
C) A plane is not faster than a car.
D) A car is slower than a plane.
- Cevap: C
18. Tina is preparing a project about places and adjectives. Each colour is a different group. Which of the foNowing words are in the correct order?
A) school – old – town – busier
B) town – busier – school – old
C) busier – old – town – school
D) school – old – busier – town
- Cevap: D
6. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 246 Cevapları
19. Which of the foMowing completes the sentence according to the picture above? Rick is—the car.
A) driving
B) buying
C) washing
D) repairing
- Cevap: C
Lucy :—?
Vera : She is knitting right now.
Which of the foMowing completes the conversation?
A) What is your grandma doing
B) Why is your grandma knitting
C) Where is your grandma going
D) Who is your grandma talking
- Cevap: A
6. Sınıf İngilizce Meb Yayınları Beceri Temelli Testler 3. Ünite Cevapları ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.