11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 37 Cevabı
“11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 37 Cevapları” ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.
11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 37 Cevabı
A.^ Fillintheblanks withthe appropriatewordsgiven.Oneis extra.Q SILVER LINING SILVEF diligent / curator / privileged / memorable / big-hearted / achieve / coincidence / adorable
1. »1 The………………………………….ofthemuseumwas sohelpfulthathegaveusextrainformationabout
2. >1…………………………………..studentsarelikely tobemore successful in theirschool lives.LVER L|N|Nr
3. >1 2 Nancyhasbeenmarriedto Andrewfor15yearswithtwo………………………………….children.^ L|N)
4. >1 Believe itornot,it’sjusta(n)……………………………………lam notfollowingyouN|NG S|LVER L|N|I
5. >1 MrBennett’sstudentsfeelvery………………………………….tohavethechanceto studyinascience
S| project withhim.|LVER L|N|NG S|LVER L|N|NG S|LVER L|N|NG S|LV_. _ L|N|NG S|LVER L|N|I
6. >1 Keep studying. Youwill……………………………….yourgoals sooner orlater. lin|NG S|LVER L|N|I
7. »1 lamsureyou willmeet a(n)………………………………….personwho willlove youforever.LVER L|N)
B^ Choosethecorrectprepositionfromtheboxand write theminthe blanks. Then matchthem with theirmeanings.
in/against /from/on/to
(®) 1. suffer _from__ a) to need someoneorsomethingin ordertosurvive or besuccessful
O 2. fight__________b) to achievesomethingthat you plannedorattempted todo
(S) 3. depend__________c) to putyourself in asituationwhich mightharmyou
(S) 4. beexposed__________d) to tryin adeterminedway toprevent itorstopit
O 5. succeed__________e) to bebadlyaffectedbyan unfavourable eventorillness
Cg Fillintheblanks withthe suitable wordsgiven. g SILVER LINING SILVER LINING SILVER LININC failure/ discrimination/ illiteracy/ getridof /poverty / makefunof
1. How can I………………………my exam stress? I can’t even answer the questions I know well.
2. ’| Welearn from………………………,not from success.’ _ _ Q|| _
3. ’| Thepercentageof………………………isextremely low inbigcities^ C|| _
4. ’| Thegovernmentmustdosomethingurgently tobring anendto………………………..I can’tstandseeing
S| the homeless on thestreets.^_ Q|| _ – _ …… Cll D MM.M_ C|| _
5. ’| Even indevelopedcountries,genderbased………………………isan important problemin employment.
6. ’| Never………………………someone iftheymispronounce a word. Youare alllearning asecond –
Dg Matchthe sentencehalvestomakemeaningfulsentences.L INING SILVER LINING SILVER LIM RS)11. WhenIhit rockbottominmy career* . .N.Nr Sl. ..pRa) theboss wasmakingalotofmoney. NgBS) 2. Igotthegoodnews frommy doctorR LINING SILVeR3) whenhisfather losthisjob.-VER LIM NGflB 3. As she was working hard to make ends meet^ S|LVERp) I decided to start from the beginning.M Mr S ) 4. Mikedroppedout of school! q|| VFR . ıNıNG Sm x/ERp) asIwasfightingagainst myillness.|M NgH ) 5. While theworkerswere sufferingfrombadconditions, e) shewonthelottery. ing SILVER LIM NG((S) 6. WhenJasongotthePulitzer Prize,-R LINING S|LVE f)hedonatedthemoneyto a charity.-IM
E. Choose the correct options for the given definitions.
1. »1 Tocommunicateor connectwithothers Sl a) toget ridof^|LVE b) toget intouch
2. >1 A richsource ofinformation NG S|LVEF Sl a) goldmine S|LVEb) extraordinary-F
3. >1 A periodbeforethe recordedhistoryVEF S| a) century 3 S|LVEb) prehistory-VEF
4/groupof people whochaseandkill animals l-V to eatinstead of farmingNG S|LVER L|N|NG l-VEa) Lhunter-gatherers b)society=R L|N|NG
5/_Tallvertical structures made of stone, metal or
- Cevap:
“11. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Meb Yayınları Sayfa 37” ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.