11. Sınıf İngilizce Spice Up Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 44
“11. Sınıf İngilizce Spice Up Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 44 Meb Yayınları” ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.
11. Sınıf İngilizce Spice Up Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 44
1 Read the paragraph and match the highlighted idioms with their meanings. One is extra.
a) to develop and to become very successful
b) to achieve success after retirement or failure
c) too advanced or modern to be understood or appreciated
Throughout history, humanity has (1) come a long way in terms of expressing itself. Artwork, no matter when and how they were created, truly reflect the lives of their creators. In order to fully appreciate the paintings, we need to be aware of art history and its periods. Newer periods develop from older ones, making art a never-ending process of discovery. Vincent van Gogh, for example, considered himself an impressionist as an artist who was (2) ahead of his time. However, expressionism was highly influenced by his artwork.
2 Read about the art movements and look at the artwork that represent them. Which one is your favourite? Explain why.
Cubism is a revolutionary art movement from the early 20th century that changed painting and sculpture in Europe, as well as music, literature and architecture. Instead of showing objects from a single point of view, cubist art shows them in geometrically simplified
Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement that takes life with all its reality and presents all of its changing features. It is all about human perception and experience as a result of great observation.
Symbolism is a late 19th-century movement that uses symbols to express all states of mind. It looks for the truth behind the patterns, shapes and lines in an abstract environment. Symbolist artists use metaphorical images to portray their ideas. Their artwork tells much more than the painted object.
3 Read the quote by Vincent van Gogh. Discuss the role of art in life with your partner.
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