10. Sınıf Kazanım Kavrama Testleri Cevapları Sayfa 212 (Sözel)

10. Sınıf Kazanım Kavrama Testleri Sayfa 212 Cevapları (Sözel) Meb Yayınları‘na ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.
10. Sınıf Kazanım Kavrama Testleri Cevapları Sayfa 212 (Sözel)
Carlin :—?
Sally : Ruth. We have lots of similar interests
A) Who solves this problem
B) What is your favorite interest
C) What do you have for breakfast
D) Who is your closest friend and why
E) What time do you meet with your friend
- Cevap: D
Wilma :—?
Betty : To travel new countries and meet local people.
A) How much are the travel prices in your city
B) Where do you meet with friends in Ankara
C) How long do you stay in a new country
D) Where do you spend your holidays
E) What makes you happy most
- Cevap: E
Thomas :—?
Sarah : It is necessary to study abroad. I think you should attend a course as soon as possible.
A) Do you like Italy
B) Is it necessary to have a passport
C) When do you do your homework
D) What do you think about learning English
E) Do you like going abroad and meeting new people
- Cevap: D
Peter : What do you think about the football in Turkey?
Michael :—.
A) I’m going to buy my team’s uniform
B) Actually, I am not interested in it at all
C) I like wearing sportive clothes and gears
D) I think you have the talent to win this game
E) Fortunately, I am visiting Turkey this summer
- Cevap: B
Linda :—.
Maria : Funny and energetic.
A) Tell me the names of your closest friends
B) Name the most favorite hobbies of yours
C) Find another way to solve this problem
D) Describe yourself with two adjectives
E) Give me some extra time, please
- Cevap: D
WiMy : Why did you come so late?
Thomas : I missed the bus and came—.
A) here
B) on foot
C) at home
D) on time
E) with Lilly
- Cevap: B
10. Sınıf Kazanım Kavrama Testleri (Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Tarih, Coğrafya, Felsefe, Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi, İngilizce) Sayfa 212 Cevabı ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.