10. Sınıf Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 94 Cevabı

10. Sınıf Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 94 Cevabı
1. Have you ever seen any of the Batman movies? Did you like them? Why? Why not? Share your reasons with the class. Follow the example.
2. What do you know about Gotham City, the city where Batman lives? Look at the picture below, scan the text and share your ideas with your classmates.
My favorite superhero is Batman because he never gives up. When Bruce lost his parents right in front of him as an 8-year-old child, he felt grief, anger and frustration. If he wanted to, he could easily let this pain become something evil, but instead, he looked past himself and decided to use his pain to be something bigger and to be someone better. Being Batman isn’t a job to Bruce, it is his life. That’s why he gets up in the morning and try to fix Gotham, the city where he lives. The second thing I like about Batman is that he never loses his hope. He wants to show the people of his beloved Gotham City that they can stand up and take control of their city, and not let their lives be run by coward people. He just wants to protect the city and its residents, and make sure no child will ever have to feel the way he did when he watched his parents’ death.That’s why Batman is my favorite superhero.
3. Read the text quickly. What event changed Bruce Wayne’s life? Share your answers with the class.