10. Sınıf Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 83 Cevabı
![10. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Dikey Yayıncılık Cevapları](/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/10.-Sınıf-Dikey-Yayıncılık-İngilizce-Ders-Kitabı-Cevapları.jpg)
10. Sınıf Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 83 Cevabı
4. Which technology devices do you use in your daily life? Check (✔) the ones you frequently use in your daily life. Then share your answers with your classmates.
PC Laptop
Tablet Smartphone
Game Console Smart TV
Blue-Ray Player Home Theater System
Digital Video Camera Media Player
5. Listen to the podcast. What do Gale and Jackie usually do on their computers? Check (√) the appropriate boxes.
He /she searches the Net for school projects.
He /she plays games.
He /she writes his / her projects.
He /she chats about sports and activities.
He /she stays in touch with his /her friends.
He /she shares photos and videos.
He /she exchanges his / her thought about any subject.
He /she checks the latest sport news.
He /she listens to music and watches movies.
6. Do you have a computer at home? What do you usually do on your computer? Share your answers with your classmates.