10. Sınıf Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 70 Cevabı

10. Sınıf Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 70 Cevabı
1. Read the letters and discuss the questions below.
1. Why does Herbert Meyer write the letter? What’s his problem?
2. What does the counselor advise to Mr Meyer?
Home Dear Sir,
I am about to begin an English language course. I studied English at high school, but I have practiced very little since then. I sometimes read and write in English, but I rarely get the opportunity to speak. I know that my reading and writing ability and knowledge of English grammar are quite good, but I find having a conversation in English very difficult. I feel nervous about it. When I was at school, we had a lot of grammar, but not much speaking or listening. I imagine that teaching methods have changed quite a lot since then. What happens now in a language class and can you give me some advice? Herbert Meyer, a university student from Germany
Home Dear Mr Meyer,
The most important advice I can give you is “Don’t worry and don’t be afraid of making mistakes.” As you say, your written English is good, and you realize that what you need is to be able to communicate. On modern language courses, the students have to be active. If you are learning in a group, you will probably take part in pair work with a partner or in small group work. If you worry too much about making mistakes, you will not want to speak. The only mistakes which are really important are those which cause misunderstanding. You should not be too concerned about speaking perfectly. Most native speakers also make mistakes! Good luck with your course. I hope you enjoy it!
Dave Hills, Language Learning Counselor
2. What difficulties do you have in learning English? Write a letter to Zenith Language Center and ask for some advice.
3. Imagine you work for Zenith Language Center as a counselor. Exchange your letter with your partner. Reply to his/her letter and give some advice to him/her.